We welcome anyone with an interest in our local nature reserve as a member of FGHW. The current membership fee, running from 1st April to end of March each year, is £3 for individuals and £5 for family membership. We also offer a professional membership at £10
Please pay either by internet banking or by cheque/cash.
You will receive an acknowledgement of your payment by email only, but please allow a calendar month for it to be checked in.
Internet banking
Please include your surname in the reference and pay to:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code 30-96-18
Account number 03921776
Please make cheques out to Friends of Gedling House Woods and drop in or post to Craig Bowen, FGHW Treasurer, 17 Waverley Avenue, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3HH.
Please do not send cash by post.
Please complete the following form to let us know your details.